Polygamously married man sodomizes six year old girl
Hmmmm. To think that being married, and what is more, to two women, would quench the sexual appetite of a forty year old man in Garoua. Well, that of Saidou M. is apparently unsatiable.And why would this man resort to traumatizing six year old Aminatou, I wonder. This is a gory, horrible event that unfolded on the dawn of the new year. As is the custom the world over, the majority of people stay awake to welcome the new year, and the Djamboutou neighbourhood of Garoua is no exception. On that fateful night, a jovial Aminatou happened to stray from her friends. Saidou, who was watching attentively from the nearby bushes, emerged with some sweets, which he used to lure her to a dark and isolated corner. He then perpetrated the heinous crime,prompting the screaming girl to pass out excrement. Only the prompt intervention of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood saved the infants life. Saidou was saved in time from being lynched by the angry crowds by the local forces of law and order, w...