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Been thinking. About how stress stresses us up (even the very notion of it). Ever wondered otherwise? Why situations and perceptions we hold on to as negative and detrimental could actually uplift us, and do us alot of good? Well, been thinking... tis true that no one likes to feel stressed, but mark you: sometimes the sensation is necessary. although we generally associate feelings of stress with negative health effects, truth is, benefits do exist when we experience stress, and, discovering them can serve to our advantage!! As you read on, remember that i dont endorse chronic stress, my my!!! stressful situations are virtually everywhere!! But believe it or not, our bodies are wired for stress. this internally built system that each and every one of us has, activates when we perceive a threat. It therefore is not surprising to learn that minor amounts of stress can Motivate you,  when we feel stressed, we are more likely to be motivated to move forward in ways that would...

Cameroonians mobilize to take part in historic elections.



Love spices? Yayyy! Food is undeniably tastier when spruced up with spices, be it fresh, dried,or in other forms.... you take your pick!  If you are yet to fall in love with this category of food enliveners... bide your time, I hope to woo you over, especially so given the health benefits they come overloaded with. How about we focus on one, you already probably already enjoy, or, on the other side of the spectrum, have hardly ever heard of - TURMERIC!! It's orange yellow glow can't be missed in spice stalls. Do stride over and really  gaze at this life- preserving condiment. Ponder over its benefits we would outline for you, as you grab your portion! Turmeric is virtually a super food, according to experts, given its all encompassing anti-inflammatory properties,  thanks to its active component,  CURCUMIN! Mind you that most diseases are directly linked to inflammation. The list is virtually endless, including arthritis,  ulcerative colitis, chronic ...

Pampering Your Skin Naturally - Essential!

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? Mmhmm, indeed so!(respect 😉) Then, your skin is your vastest barrier, fending off infections and other unpleasant stuff day in,  day out, and it is imperative that this barrier remain healthy, nourished and moist for it to be as effective as you would wish it to be, and more.  It also is your temperature regulator and on-point filter! And lots more other tasks...  .Well, it so happens that the skin cannot to all that work and still occupy itself with maintenance, you would agree with me 😉. That is where you come on like the valiant rescuer that you ought to be, perpetually. Remember too, that your skin is in a constant state of growth, with old cells dying off,  and new ones forming. Well, proper skin care is of the essence, if you care about your physical appearance. Unhealthy skin has the unpleasant tendency of looking dull and sallow, with rashes, sores, and wrinkles more likely to appear and sink deepe...

Trendy in Thought and Deed!

Found yourself either staring, or skimming through your wardrobes each time you got to get dressed and spruced up to step out your door for the occasion awaiting you, no matter how banal it may be, or even to stay indoors? The reflex has become involuntary, regardless of what sex, status, or background we identify with. However, how many of us really grasp the psychology of how people we meet, whether at school or in the office or anywhere else interprete our wardrobe choices, as well as how their interpretations could differ from the one we imagine we are portraying? Hm, interesting thought! Our choice of clothing bring to the fore our personalities,  be it plain and easy going, or sophisticated and refined!  Cooler and more sombre shades could depict a calmer and more posed disposition, while brighter colours could speak volumes of a bubbly and more optimistic outlook, don't you think? You sure would be a change maker or a trend setter if you try out bolder colours an...

How To Manage Baldness!

For reasons scientists don't fully understand, sensitive follicles must be exposed to DHT for a prolonged period of time before the miniaturization process is complete. But what they have learned is that taking a drug that inhibits the binding of 5-alpha-reductase on testosterone can reduce the levels of DHT and thus slow or even stop the miniaturization process. There is such a drug and it's called Finasteride (sold as Propecia), the first of the three aforementioned treatment options. Finasteride blocks 70% of the conversion to testosterone to DHT. Men have been suffering from androgenetic alopecia, otherwise known as Male Pattern Baldness, since before the first coming of Christ. Did you know that even Julius Caesar was memorialized many times in stone with what was left of his hair combed forward, and a signature wreath covering his pate?  Receding hairlines and bald spots plague men of every race, creed, and status. But why? Understanding the underlying caus...


Rub his back regularly for no reason? Snuggle? Hide a little love note in her purse? Such little things which count in relationships are often forgotten entirely, as we get engulfed in our daily preoccupations and activities. Little gestures which keep your relationships aglow are a must , if you wish to have a blissful union. Itchy for hints? Hop in! With everything going on in the life of the average couple, it's easy to forget the small gestures that keep a relationship ticking. What most couples don't realize, though, is that it doesn't take much to help your partner feel more valued every day. Stringing together these little things is an ongoing way to make change in your relationship -Let your smart phone rest during family time! If you're glued to Facebook during dinner, then it's time to unplug.  When angry, some people may turn to texting to avoid saying something.  It's a way of creating distance. While it doesn't hurt to send a f...


Take a good look at that red oblong mass hanging at the tip of a banana bunch. Often, it goes unnoticed, the first part to be cut and thrown away when fragmenting a bunch of banana. But hey! The dark purple red blossom’s life saving properties are just mind blowing! Get this: The inside part, with smaller white flowers, which later becomes bananas, is starchy and bitter to the taste, but contains amazing amounts of vitamins C and A!  The hard red purple husk, is a delicacy in many countries, used as an ingredient for soups, and even in salads. The banana flower is a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, phosphorus, and other essential nutrients! Thanks to their ethanol-based extracts, infections and wounds can easily be treated, as growth of pathogenic bacteria is prevented. Their antioxidant properties help neutralize the effects of dangerous free radicals which might be lurking in the body. For the ladies, do you have troubles with yo...