Love spices? Yayyy! Food is undeniably tastier when spruced up with spices, be it fresh, dried,or in other forms.... you take your pick! If you are yet to fall in love with this category of food enliveners... bide your time, I hope to woo you over, especially so given the health benefits they come overloaded with.
How about we focus on one, you already probably already enjoy, or, on the other side of the spectrum, have hardly ever heard of - TURMERIC!!
It's orange yellow glow can't be missed in spice stalls. Do stride over and really gaze at this life- preserving condiment. Ponder over its benefits we would outline for you, as you grab your portion!
Turmeric is virtually a super food, according to experts, given its all encompassing anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to its active component, CURCUMIN! Mind you that most diseases are directly linked to inflammation. The list is virtually endless, including arthritis, ulcerative colitis, chronic pain, high cholesterol, and yes, cancer. It's anti inflammatory properties have proven to effectively slow down and halt pathologies linked to inflammation, and best of all, studies prove its active component specifically targets cancer cells-with NO SECONDARY EFFECTS on the body! How cool is that!
Brain - related pathological conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer's, tied with memory loss can be treated with this miracle spice.
Looking to remain young and lead a healthier life? Turmeric would set about cleansing your blood, prevents premature aging, detoxifies your liver, improves skin health, prevents damage by free radicals.... the list of advantages stretches till till.
Smooth wrinkle free face and skin? Look no further, turmeric facemasks do the trick!
Granted, a healthy diet, plus regular exercise effectively prevents diseases, adding turmeric to your diet ( it is oh so delicious and versatile for many recipes ) would further improve your health in multiple ways.
You can add it (also as curry) to your salads, cooked food, or prepare it as tea, for daily intake. Enjoy!!
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