
Showing posts from February, 2016

Jog it out!!!

The benefits of jogging just keep on piling up. Jogging is one of the oldest and most popular forms of aerobic exercise. Fads come and go, but jogging has withstood some of the trendiest exercise crazes that have come thru the years. There are many health benefits of jogging which is why it has remained so popular. As always, consult a physician first before embarking on any exercise program. When you do take it up, start slowly. Take brisk walks at first and slowly introduce jogging spurts as you build your endurance. They say the ideal form is to land on the ball of the heel and you should push with your toes. A sign of good form is if you feel like you are gliding, with hardly any pressure or weight on your feet. Purchase the proper running clothes, but be especially particular with running shoes. They should be a half size bigger than your actual size, to give your toes wiggle room. Also, make up your mind if jogging on a treadmill or outdoors suits you better. Tr

Got a secret to share with you! A simple recipe for a Healthier Lifestyle!!

Have you ever wondered why you cant have healthier skin, hair, smooth digestive system, and a generally positive outlook on life? well, I tried this out, and it still is working wonders!!  How important is a warm lime or lemon juice for you? What are the benefits if drunk daily, first thing in the morning? Read on! Helps your digestive system Warm lime water on an empty stomach early in the morning helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion improves, heartburn is reduced and it helps in the process of elimination. Yep, it sure does. Forget heartburns, acid reflux, bloated tummy. Yep, these can be forgotten, for good. Detoxifies liver Lemon juice has citric acid, which helps the enzymes to function better. It also stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification. This helps the liver to in turn function maximally. Works on your pH level The acidity in our body can be harmful and lemon water can help reduce this. Though lemon has citric acid, the nutri