Got a secret to share with you! A simple recipe for a Healthier Lifestyle!!

Image result for advantages of drinking warm lime juice every morning

Have you ever wondered why you cant have healthier skin, hair, smooth digestive system, and a generally positive outlook on life? well, I tried this out, and it still is working wonders!! 
How important is a warm lime or lemon juice for you? What are the benefits if drunk daily, first thing in the morning? Read on!

Helps your digestive system
Warm lime water on an empty stomach early in the morning helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion improves, heartburn is reduced and it helps in the process of elimination. Yep, it sure does.
Forget heartburns, acid reflux, bloated tummy. Yep, these can be forgotten, for good.

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Detoxifies liver
Lemon juice has citric acid, which helps the enzymes to function better. It also stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification. This helps the liver to in turn function maximally.
Image result for advantages of drinking warm lime juice every morningImage result for advantages of drinking warm lime juice every morning

Works on your pH level
The acidity in our body can be harmful and lemon water can help reduce this. Though lemon has citric acid, the nutrients and minerals in it are alkaline in nature. Citric acid is not a strong acid and so, is easily removed from our bodies by elimination processes like perspiration. Lemon, however, stimulates the formation of calcium carbonate that neutralises other strong acids in the body. This is helpful, especially if your diet is heavy in proteins like meat and cheese. Experts say lemon can help change the pH balance of the blood and can also help in dealing with urinary tract infections.

-P.S. For women: Do you sometimes notice a "fishy smell" on your undies, especially after using the toilet? That is most probably because your metabolism is more acidic than normal, favouring bacterial growth. Here is a quick and inexpensive solution.
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Strengthens your immune system
All citrus foods are a storehouse of vitamin C. This vitamin is known to fight colds and is good for your immune system. Lemons also have potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function and controls blood pressure. Strong teeth? YES!!

Clears and freshens your skin
Take a deep breadth... you no longer need to spend hefty amounts of money on skin products to have glowy skin, the envy of your entourage! Experts say that vitamin C is great for youthful skin, because it helps in the production of collagen. Its antioxidants revive dull skin and keep it healthy. Warm lemon water removes toxins from the blood stream. Also, diluted lemon juice, when applied to blemishes, can actually help lighten them. Try it out, and be consistent!
Image result for glowing skin  Image result for glowing african skin
Battles bad breath
Bad breath brings breaches between buddies. Lemon juice battles bad breath by keeping bacteria away. Converse more freely with those around you!

Aids in weight loss
Looking for a quick and cheap way of losing those extra kilos? Well, here it is.Lemon juice in the morning fights food craving. Also, it has been found earlier that people who maintain an alkaline diet tend to lose weight more quickly than others. This is no myth but realest reality ever!
Therefore, kick start your day with this gorgeous drink, and be sure it would work wonders!!
Image result for advantages of drinking warm lime juice every morning


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