“No career type is reserved for any one category of persons. Women should
know and appreciate their capabilities, exploit their talents to the fullest, and
learn to love themselves. Only in this way would a satisfying life be
Caroline Fanta,
Security guard
“I have always admired the
law-enforcement corps. Their selfless calling to guarantee the safety and
security of persons and goods is so inspiring and praise worthy. That is why I
set out early in life to serve as one of theirs”, 43-year-old Caroline Fanta
muses, looking back at her two-year-old career as a security guard in some
major enterprises in Garoua.
The journey thus far has not been
all roses though. Born into a large family, the ninth of twelve children, Miss
Fanta was obliged to halt her education at the third year of the secondary
level, because she was unable to withstand the ill treatment she was subjected
to, by her stepmother.
“ I also am laden with the responsibility
of taking care of my two children single handedly, all the while offering the
little help that I am able to, to my parents and siblings, but I do not, in any
way consider that as a burden. All of the trials and challenges I have had to
undergo have rather moulded me into the strong and contented woman that I am
today,” Caroline declares with pride.
However, that feeling of
satisfaction had yet to be replete.
“I never lost sight of my dream
of one day serving within the ranks of the forces of law and order. I am firmly
believe that dreams, if worked upon, can come true, no matter how long it
takes, no matter how old you are. That is why I got myself enrolled into a
local security company for a one month-long intensive course, to become a
security guard”.
And in this way her career
unfolded, with her serving happily alongside her female colleagues in public
and Para public structures, such as the electricity and water utility
companies, the Garoua Wildlife College, and the North Regional station of the
C.R.T.V. where she is, till present.
“Besides the harassment I
sometimes am faced with because I am a woman, I am aware I can’t continue
within this line of duty indefinitely when the age will eventually begin
weighing on my shoulders, but I am determined not to let up until my body tells
me to. I hope I still have a long way to go!” she declares passionately.
“I hope other young women emulate
my example and pursue their dreams until they attain them. Anyone can take on
any career, regardless of the sex. Forge on and I guarantee you it is a
decision you will never regret!”
Louisa Akwanka Achatoh
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