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Treasure your Pearly Whites!!!

Love your teeth, they are yours!!!
Need the confidence to show off those pearly whites more frequently?

 We’re right there with you – we all want a bright white smile but
 getting there can be a struggle. Cracking the code for a perfect smile
 may not be as difficult as you imagine, though. Leading dentist
 Mervyn Druian says, “A good dental regime and using the right
 products is key to age-protect your mouth, and keep your smile
 looking young and healthy.” We’ve spoken to several dentists 
and oral health professionals for some helpful tips on how 
to better our smiles and make them healthier. Below are our top
 ten tips on how to avoid unflattering stains and keep those teeth 
strong and bright.
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1. Stop gulping down that coffee – You can avoid wearing down tooth
 enamel if you drink acidic drinks such as coffee, orange juice,
and wine through a straw. If tooth enamel is over-eroded, your teeth
 become more sensitive, making it difficult to eat certain foods.
 Drinks like red wine and black tea also have high tannin content,
meaning that the drink dries out the mouth and makes teeth sticky.
 So, savor that succulent red vino next time and enjoy it with a straw
to protect your teeth.
2. Always brush but watch your timing – One dentist recommends
 having a drink of water after consuming teeth-staining beverages,
 but only after an hour since drinking. When you do brush,
 your toothpaste should eliminate bacteria and plaque, creating
a protective enamel shield. Try out the UltraDEX Recalcifying and
Whitening Toothpaste and Oral Rinse for protecting your teeth and gums. 
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3. Be gentle with your mouth – Brushing vigorously does not mean your 
teeth will get whiter faster. Brush gently in a circular motion
 twice a day to avoid gum recession,which is when your gums recede
  and pull away from your teeth. This exposes the
 tooth’s root, making the teeth more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
 Take up flossing and remember to rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash. 
Using toothbrushes with ultra-soft bristles is also healthier than using a
 hard-bristled one.
4. Stop chomping away at ice – It might be nice on a hot day, but chewing ice 
and other hard foods are more likely to cause cracks on the surface of your
 Consult a dentist if your teeth are already showing signs of wear and tear.
 If you’re on the lookout for products that will help, the UltraDEX Recalcifying
 and Whitening range can rebuild tooth surfaces and fill in microscopic enamel
 cracks to strengthen, smooth, and brighten teeth. Eating very hot and very 
cold foods at the same time also puts distress on your teeth, so maybe rethink
 that combo of ice cream and coffee next time. 
5. Keep the pen away – Avoid putting pens or any other foreign objects
 in your mouth. Making this germy act a habit can contribute to gum
 recession. Also, do you know where that pen was last?  
6. Give your mouth a break once in a while – Too much of anything is never 
good, and this even counts towards oral hygiene. Although it’s great to 
floss regularly, take a break from it every now and then to help prevent
 receding gums.
7. Look into natural ways to whiten – Store-bought methods come
 in shiny packaging, but wouldn’t you much rather whiten your teeth
 with the help of food? Although fruit has natural acidity, having apples,
 green grapes, and bananas are a good start to whitening your teeth.
 Berries such as blackberries, blueberries, and cherries are highly
 capable of staining so eat those sparingly. According to the experts 
at Luster Pro Light, the trick is to opt for fruits that don’t stain your
 hands when handling them. Keep everything in moderation, though
 – even non-bright foods can promote teeth staining and soften enamel.
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8. Try to keep away from snacks – After your lunch break, avoid eating
 or drinking for a few hours. You should also stick to drinking juice, tea,
 and other acidic drinks at meal times only. Doing this will slow down
 gum recession. As always, watch the acidity in drinks – in white wine,
 the acid allows other food’s staining to penetrate more deeply. 
9. Don’t smoke – Despite the obvious health risks, smoking tobacco
 will do severe damage to your teeth. The nicotine and tar in tobacco 
turn teeth yellow very quickly. Longtime smokers have even reported
 that their teeth are practically brown after years of smoking.
10. The dentist is your friend – Ultimately, if you need some more
 specific help with your teeth, whether it be decay or gum problems, 
then it’s time to visit the dentist. Maintain regular appointments and
 stick to a thorough oral hygiene routine.
Here’s hoping your smile shines through!  
 Image result for healthy teeth imagesImage result for healthy teeth images


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